Wednesday, 10 October 2012

GCE O level Science (Phy/Chem) 5116 Practical Examination on Thur 18 Oct 2012

Dear Sec 4 Express & Sec 5 students doing Science(Phy/Chem) 5116,

The GCE O Level Science Practical Examination which will be held on Thur 18 Oct 2012.

This practical examination is meant for students doing Science (Phy/Chem) 5116. (This includes those who have recently dropped Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry and are now doing Combined Science).

1. There are 4 shifts and you are required to check your reporting time, venue for reporting, venue for practical exam and seating. (Please to Mrs Annie Samuel's email for further details)

2. Do note that if you are in shift 1 or 2, you will be quarantined until 1.30 pm. As such, please ensure that you have revision materials and some packed refreshments (food and drink) which should be purchased before you report for your practical examination at Sc Room 1. Once your practical exam is over, you will be required to move to the Quarantine room and stay there with Liason officers until 1.30pm. You are required to remove litter and ensure that the Quarantine room is left tidy before dismissal.

3.  Students in Shift 4 are advised to have lunch before they report at 12.30pm at Sc room 1. You will not be allowed to leave the room after reporting and should have revision materials with you while waiting for your exam to begin at 2.00pm. (Only toilet breaks will be allowed upto 1.30pm after which no one is allowed to leave the reporting room as stipulated by SEAB).

4. Please ensure that you are familiar with the rules for the Practical Examination which includes the ban on communicative/ electronic devices and computer aids from the start of the practical until the end of the quarantine period.
Approved calculators are allowed for the examination - it should have the school sticker which is issued by the Maths dept after they check your calculator. Do ensure that your calculator is working.

5. Late comers will be placed in the last shift.

Shift 1
Shift 2
Shift 3
 Shift 4
Reporting time
7.30 am
9.15 am
11.15 am
12.30 pm
Reporting venue
Science Room 1
Science Room 1
Science Room 1
Science Room 1
Exam begins
8.00 am
10.00 am
12 noon
2.00 pm

Exam ends
9.30 am
11.30 am
Time students can leave
3.30pm (3.55 pm for extra timers)

All information regarding your Science Practical Examination will also be put up on the Science dept noticeboard. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to speak to your Science teachers or myself.

Mrs Annie Samuel
Senior Subject Supervisor GCE O level Sc Practical Exam
Science Dept