Thursday, 7 February 2013

School Family Education: Marriage Convention 2013

Dear ACS(BR) Staff and Parents,

Marriage Convention 2013 

We would like to encourage you to sign up for Marriage Convention 2013. Although it is $12 per person and $16 per couple, you can claim the cost of the tickets under School Family Education funding. 

All you need to do is to submit the original receipt or the ticket stubs as proof of purchase attention Ms Ezzati at the General Office at least within a week of the end of the event. We will take note of your submission and make the claim on your behalf. Please do remember to leave behind your name and contact number.

Marriage Convention 2013 will be held on 16 & 17 March 2013 (Saturday & Sunday). 

You may go to for more information on Marriage Convention and ticket sales. 

Thank you.